A statement on the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the threat of nuclear weapons

As the world watches with shock, horror, and anger Russia's attack on the Ukrainian people, it is difficult not to feel powerless. In any war, it is the people who suffer the most, and we know that this conflict, if not reversed quickly, can bring about tremendous suffering in the lives of people in the region and everywhere.

To add to the seriousness, President Putin recently announced that "No matter who tries to stand in our way… Russia will respond immediately, and the consequences will be such as you have never seen in your entire history," which, as the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons condemns, is "a thinly-veiled threat to use nuclear weapons."

It is an illusion to think that the use of military force and the threat of mass violence can bring about peace. Yet for so long, our world has repeated the narrative that nuclear weapons keep us safe and that they will never be used. As strong and tempting the narrative, it is time to break away from it.

What can be the new story to replace it? It is the hope that we are capable of resolving conflicts without violence. That our imagination to empathize with people in Ukraine and Russia -- who, just like us, longs for peace and the best for themselves and their loved ones -- are more powerful than any weapons. That each person is infinitely precious.

To uphold the story, we need to battle our own apathy, resignation, and sense of powerlessness, as we condemn the military attack and urge political leaders to take action. Our hope is powerful.

We are powerful.

~Anna Ikeda for the Metta Team


Nonviolence Report February 23, 2022


Nonviolence Report February 9, 2022